parts source post
paul fernandes
paulfern2000 at
Fri Feb 21 00:44:47 EST 2003
Greg, and all OOOO listers,
I am not sure if anyone ever got my news before, I have
posted it in the past but I thought in the US/Canada not
too many people took it seriously.
I might get a bashing for this on the list as some will
consider this ...SPAM...
I will let you all decide..and if you want banish me for
On the subject of parts source:
As mentioned some time back I was going to start a new
parts souce for the older audi's.
Well this actually already happen..about 6 months ago.
I have been up and doing some business..
To start because I am small ...very small company I do not
carry all items that everyone wished for but I have decided
to start off with items which people most desired and parts
that were affordable.
For complete details of what I have, I only ask everyone to
visit the web-site..otherwise I would sound like a used car
salesmen here.
Anyway some people over here (EUROPE) have asked me where
do I get some of this stuff and what is the brand..
As I had mentioned some time back this will be my own
I am trying not to deal with current suppliers because
obviously they would give no price advantage..
so I decided to start my own production of allot of this
stuff..starting with the V8 lights.
I do my own testing..with the help of TUV and some OEM
facilities and my own designs.
I don't know if anyone here saw that UR-quattro exhaust
system I am working on...that will come very soon..
I ask anyone if they have interest in what I am doing to
contact me off list.
One other quick point since I did have some responses from
other forums in the US/Canada area about having a location
in North America..I am officially informing you now that I
have already commenced activity to have a location in the
US ...where abouts? is going up as I
Otherwise If I offend anyone with the topic of adding my
own parts address well you are missing something anyway..
Paul Fernandes
--- Greg Smith <snufy58 at> wrote:
> Hi all. Hope all you fellow north-easteners are having
> fun with all the recent snow. I certainly have been.
> Up until I thought I'd broken my Syncro's tranny that
> is. But thankfully, it turned out to be a false alarm.
> Long story, but not that interesting.
> Reason for this post is, I made a post a few days ago
> about a new parts source. Never saw it, or any other
> mail from the list. It's almost as if making my post
> unsubbed me. Did my post even make it to the list? It
> was about a fellow named Don and DVW Imports in PA.
> Being unsubbed left me without being able to see if my
> post made it to the list or any feedback if there was
> any. Anyone see it?
> And what's up with the list? I felt so deprived
> without it! My stress levels were up and even the
> better half was complaining about my nasty mood
> swings. Could I possibly be, dare I even say it...
> (gasp) addicted? Say it ain't so!
> So, what do we have to do to keep my "fix" coming? I
> bought a pair of stickers(I thought they would be
> bigger than that,BTW), should I buy some more? LOL, I
> know the list is undergoing some changes so I guess
> I'll let it slide this time. It's just hard when the
> greatest list on the 'net sort of slips away from you.
> Keep up the great work guys,
> Snuffy
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