Dumb tire change question...

Mike jester at cfnson.com
Sat Feb 22 15:01:15 EST 2003

From: "Doug Johnson" <ur-quattro at msn.com>
> I've got three sets of wheels and tires, and want to change which wheels
> each set of tires is mounted on.
> Can I lever tires off of wheels w/ brute force, w/o dying?

It can be done, but you'll need access to a compressor for remounting the
tires, some soapy water, a couple of tire irons, a large hammer...

... Band-Aids, splints, a tourniquet and some tranquilizers.

(I've actually done this myself, but it's labor intensive and a bit

TTFN - Mike Jackson
Casting Fool & Son
Augusta, GA  USA

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