4KQ: No power to thermo-time switch after cranking

Russ Maki rinard at execpc.com
Sat Feb 22 15:15:52 EST 2003

More thermo-time voodoo sought here, folks.

On my '87 4000 quattro, I get plenty of current in the cold-start circuit --
as long as the starter is cranking. Once the engine fires (which it does
almost immediately) and I let off the starter, voltage to the cold start
valve drops to zero and I have to nurse the gas pedal to keep it running.
Could my starter solenoid be defective? If so, my local rebuilder has some
'splainin to do.

By the way, Jan P, so far so good on the ignition control unit replacement.

Russ Maki
Ixonia, Wis.

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