confused about synthetic gear oil

Livolsi, Stephane Stephane.Livolsi at
Tue Feb 25 08:35:14 EST 2003

no, it's definitely cold related.  All standard transmission vehicles that I
have had did this - maybe my use of the word 'creep' was ambitious.  to
clarify, what I mean is this:
put the shifter in between gears - ie neutral
push in clutch
start the car
let the clutch out - tone of engine changes slightly due to additional load
and also can tell that the tranny gears are turning now - as you let the
clutch out, the car tries to go forward, moves very slight amount then
settles back down.  This is much more pronounced the colder it gets, meaning
very sub freezing.  with regular (non-synth) I don't think I ever recall
experiencing it at anything above -10C.
It really surprised me that it occurs with the synth because I though that
was one of their great properties  - consistent pourability over a wide temp

Tonight it should get cold again.  I still have some of the amsoil gear oil,
and if I remember I will leave it out tonight and see how it pours tomorrow.

> ----------
> From: 	Mihnea Cotet[SMTP:mik at]
> Sent: 	February 24, 2003 2:40 PM
> To: 	Livolsi, Stephane; Audi Quattro List
> Subject: 	Re: confused about synthetic gear oil
> Stephane,
> AFAIK it's totally unrelated... When in neutral no car should creep in
> either direction IMHO.
> HTH,
> Mihnea
> At 16:32 24/02/2003 -0600, Livolsi, Stephane wrote:
> >my experience is not what I expected.
> >
> >late last year, I put Amsoil GL4 (this is the correct stuff as per user's
> >manual) synthetic gear oil in my tranny (86 5ktq), following a clutch
> job.
> >I expected that the synth would stay more fluid during cold temps.  Today
> >was the first really cold morning all winter -22 C (seriously, it was the
> >first day that was this cold) and after starting I had the gearbox in
> >neutral and let the clutch out.  Holy cow, the car actually started
> creeping
> >forward, only a cm or so, but still!
> >IIRC, it's even worse than when I had the non-synth in there
> >
> >Anyway, am I off base here?  Shouldn't the synth prevent this creeping?
> >
> >TIA
> >
> >Stephane

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