Turn signal canceling

Jim Haseltine jim at ur-q.freeserve.co.uk
Tue Feb 25 23:19:56 EST 2003

Probably can't help with your model, but on older cars such as the type 85
coupes and early 80 and 90 models its usually the result of serious wear
inside the multi-function switch often caused by damage of some sort.
There's a small piece of usually white plastic that acts as a cancel lever
(opperate the turn signal and it's forced out of the switch and is pushed
back in by a tag on the steering wheel). It's very complex to explain but
basically there's a number of places where that piece of plastic wears (and
sometimes a place actually inside the switch too) and it's not available as
a spare part.
My 88 Ur-q suffered the same symptoms, not cancelling left turns and after
repairing it once with parts from a scrapped coupe (lasted approx 12 months)
I eventually bit the bullet - ordered a new turn signal switch and
discovered that it was much cheaper than I thought it would be - something
less than GBP20 from what I remember but I'd bet that for later models it
will be much more expensive.


Jim Haseltine
----- Original Message -----
From: <McLoffs at aol.com>
To: <quattro at audifans.com>
Sent: Monday, February 24, 2003 11:10 PM
Subject: Turn signal canceling

Any ideas why sometimes, when making a left turn, the turn signal doesn't
self-cancel? It always works when turning right, but is intermittent when
turning left. Also, sometimes the steering wheel makes some rather
unpleasant noises when being turned.

Thanks in advance for any help you might have to offer.

-Mike McLaughlin
1995 90 Quattro

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