88 5ktq Battery Drain

Robert Deis rdeis at io.com
Wed Feb 26 16:59:38 EST 2003

On Wed, 26 Feb 2003, Eric Schoeffler wrote:

> My battery
> checked out fine and holds enough charge to start the car for a few days.

Good advice I got from Huw a while back:

Put an ammeter inbetween the negative battery post and terminal. Current
with the car off should read >small< (Mine is ~250mA, but I have some
known shorts)

Then start pulling fuses. When the current level drops, you've found a
circuit with a short (or small normal drain, like the clock..)

  Rob Deis                  "Let the people know beforehand what the law
  MiB3347                      is and what they are to expect."
  rdeis at io.com                              -- 18th Congress, Rec. 75

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