Who Makes The: Twin Turbo Kits for the Audi V-6 12v Engines?

TM t44tq at mindspring.com
Thu Feb 27 11:13:14 EST 2003

HPA- they're in Canada somewhere.

I saw their twin-turbo VR6'ed TT last year at Waterfest.

No twin turbo kits for the 12v Audi V6 AFAIK- you might
as well check clearances and see if you can drop in a 2.7T,
complete w/ harness, ECU and dashboard from a wrecked S4tt.


-----Original Message-----
From: quattro-admin at audifans.com [mailto:quattro-admin at audifans.com] On
Behalf Of robert_a_dupree at bankone.com
Sent: Wednesday, February 26, 2003 1:11 PM
To: quattro at audifans.com
Subject: Who Makes The: Twin Turbo Kits for the Audi V-6 12v Engines?

Was in a book store leafing through Sport and Compact Car I think. They
were comparing the EVO-8, tweak'd WRXs, a SkyLine and a super tweak'd
TT. What was the name and web address of that TT tuner?

Something like HPR, RPH or similar.

Anyone know of have the issue handy?

Rob Dupree
     84 UrQ

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