1995 A6 quattro transmission trouble

David Head v8q at bellsouth.net
Fri Feb 28 19:58:38 EST 2003

You are in 'limp mode' - its designed to get you home when something
acts up in the trans. Could be mechanical or electrical. You need to
hook up the trans ECU to a computer to read out the fault codes.



> I just bought this car and everything was great for about 3 weeks and
> then
> all of a sudden I went out one day, it was about 15 below zero, and
> when I
> started it the display on the dash where it tells you what gear it is in
> (automatic tranny) was entirely lit up and it won't shift out of first
> gear.
>  The guy I bought it from told me he replaced a pair of switches that
> go to
> the shift lever and tranny respectively and communicate between each
> other
> as to which gear the car is in.  Anybody btdt with this or have an
> idea as
> to what may be wrong?
> Matt Bliefernich
> 1981 4000s 2 door
> 1986 5000 cstq
> 1995 A6 2.8 quattro
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