[V6-12v] Servotronic is now disabled! WOW

JGriff JGriff at JGriff.com
Fri Feb 28 22:57:29 EST 2003

Thanks everyone for the responses. I might just take a look at it when the
weather warms up, and whenever I can find the time.

Thanks again.


At 12:44 PM 2/28/03, Edward Sluis wrote:
> From everything I've heard, servotronic started in 19992, and i'm 99.9%
> sure your 100S has it.  I've tried my car with the servotronic disabled,
> its deffinitely a different feel, pretty nice around town and highway,
> but the parking lots suck.  The best set up is to put a switch in the
> power line to the servotronic unit, that way you can turn it on for
> parking lots, and off for more spirited driving.  Also, I've found that
> the feel of control in the rain is about 200 times better with the
> servotronic disabled.

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