GT Coupe Quattro Rear wheel locked up, passenger side

Mrfuzzyhead at Mrfuzzyhead at
Fri Jan 3 18:55:11 EST 2003


I am the proud new owner of an 87.5 GT Coupe Quattro, picked it up on 12/10/2002.

The next Monday, 12/16/2002 dealer's mechanic installed new parking brake cable.

Car runs great.

New Years Day, I release the hand brake, it felt a little funny, didn't spring all the way back toward the floor.

Sure enough, the wheel is locked up. Turns out it was the passenger side, rear wheel.

Got under the car and neither of the new brake cables have any tension, but the brake is locked on.

Would rather not attempt to have it towed, especially with the rear wheel locked up.

Anybody seen this one before? Or have any suggestions?


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