ECU or OXS ?

rizov_d at rizov_d at
Sun Jan 5 12:04:50 EST 2003

[ Converted text/html to text/plain ]

Hello Everybody,

I’m looking for help with clarification the work of OXS. My car is ’86 4000 sq
end the problem firs appeared when I measured the differential pressure
regulator current – it is steady at 17.7 mA.

Testing the OXS showed weird results that do not go along with manual’s

When measure disconnected (open loop ) OXS:

Steady readings from 0.00 V to 0.7 V

Readings are changed when adjusting CO.

Readings are not changed when accelerate.

Connected (closed loop) OXS:

Steady from  0.01 V to 0.23 V

Reading are changed when adjusting CO

(Measurement is done at the clip between OXS wire and green ECU probe wire.)

Closed loop with readings taken at green OXS probe:

Steady 0.01V and cannot be changed with CO adjustment.

ECU changes differential pressure current when voltage (+) small battery) is
applied at the green wire ( OXS ) -  to 0.00 V.

Tests at the connector side of the ECU went o.k.- there is a power and no
short or disconnected green OXS wire ( Bentley points short in OXS probe wire
as cause for readings of 10 mA above normal)

In both open loop (OXS disconnected) and closed loop differential pressure
current is steady 17.7 mA (Bentley point a predetermined value of ~10 mA if
running in open loop).

Is there anybody experienced such weird behavior of controls? Any testing
procedure for ECU?

Any help is highly appreciated!


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