Really weird Euro light behaviour

Fred Munro munrof at
Sun Jan 5 18:46:29 EST 2003

Hi Jim;

This is stirring up vague memories of a problem I had with my '91 200q when
I installed the Euros and relays. As I recall, somewhere in it's previous
life a relay had been installed in the normally empty fog light relay socket
in the under-hood relay/fuse box. This was back-feeding enough power into
the headlight circuit (it was not the right relay for the application, so
the pin-out was incorrect) that the headlight relay operation was totally
fouled up. It took me a long time to track it down - I was sure the combi
switch was bad, but it tested out good three times before I finally believed
it was OK. It might be worth checking out.

Good luck!

Fred Munro
'94 S4

-----Original Message-----
From: quattro-admin at [mailto:quattro-admin at]On
Behalf Of james accordino
Sent: January 5, 2003 10:26 AM
To: kentmclean at
Cc: audi list
Subject: Re: Really weird Euro light behavior

Both low beams work.  The high on the left is out.
I'm still trying to determine where the power is
coming from when the key is off/out.  I really think
now it's either a bad relay or the combi switch.

Jim Accordino

--- Kent McLean <kentmclean at> wrote:
> james accordino <ssgacc at> wrote:
> >Low Beam- low beam on left, low and hi on right, hi
> >beam indicator 1/2 bright.
> I recall that it's possible to mix the ground wires
> on
> the headlights (don't know exactly how; that's why
> we have some EEs on the list).  The result is that
> when one low-beam light burns out, electricity can
> feed back through ground to the high beam, causing
> it to glow at less than 100%.
> Or something like that.  I'm hoping this will jog
> someone
> with a better memory and more knowledge than me.
> Kent
> '89 200 TQ, "Bad Puppy"

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