Really weird Euro light behavior

james accordino ssgacc at
Sun Jan 5 18:02:11 EST 2003

I turns out it's a bad relay for the high bulb on the
left side.  I noticed rust colored residue at the
cover/base joint on the relay.  The ADI (calcium
hypochlorite?) they use on the highways here in PA do
a great job at keeping the slop from freezing on the
roadsurface, but also apparently a great job at
penetrating electricals.  Oh well, guess I'll need to
cover/encase them somehow.  BTW, the grounds are
attached with stainless hardware and coated and were
very clean, as were all the shrinksleeved and coated

Jim Accordino

--- scott miller <macatawa at> wrote:
> >No, I made new heavy gauge grounds for each side.
> >Both high and low relays on each side share a
> ground
> >on their side.
> So the brown wire coming out of each bulb also goes
> to your new grounds?
> Also, if you can, check the connections inside the
> bulb, that thin, brown
> wire connects to all three bulbs.
> Your dilema is what I feared with adding relays and
> complication.  I'm not
> sure if you can back-feed power through your
> hi-beams and relays because of
> a bad ground, depends on what kind of relays were
> used.  Water in components
> or wiring could provide a backward path to ground.
> >ps-that's GREAT bulb life for higher wattage units
> My brother has run big bulbs in euros on his 4kcsq
> for over ten years with
> few new bulbs.  No relays.  My Mitsu used to gobble
> them.
> Scott
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