Alright, who's the sick ba$tard that stole my noisy pads?

Joseph Pizzimenti pizzoman at
Mon Jan 6 11:34:35 EST 2003

Well, after leaving my car buried in the snow in
queens for the past 2 weeks, I finally picked it up
today.  To my surprise, the squeal of the pagid
oranges is completely gone.  Haven't had the chance to
really warm them up yet, but they are no longer
squealing at low speeds.  Could my mechanic have taken
them and replaced them with textars?  ;-)  He sorted
out an alignment issue I was having. (Left control
arm, bushings, etc.)  Could this elimination of
vibration have removed my annoying squeal?  I'm going
to pull the wheels as the pagids are instantly
recognisable (They're Home Depot Orange=).  My guess

Vibration is gone, car tracks semi-straight, so pads
are quieter?
All of this rain/snow we've had in the northeast
somehow built up rust on the rotor that the pads are
having a hard time transferring material to the rotor.
 No rust is visible.  Pedal effort is still stiff,
we'll see what happens.


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