lister sighting [urs4] in burlingame, ca?

Mike Robinson quattrofan at
Mon Jan 6 18:58:07 EST 2003


I know which car you are talking about,  I can't remember the guys name for
the life of me.  I am pretty sure he is not on the list though.  He lives in
Santa Clara and works a few buildings away from mine in San Jose.  He also
has a sliver Ford F150 Lightning with a small Audi Sport sticker on the back
window.  I used to live two blocks away from him and we chatted a few times,
I would always see him on the way to work.  That urS4 is heavily modded as I
remember.  He used to have a bunch of 2Bennet stickers on it.

-Mike Robinson
1988 90q SS 245,000+ mi

On 1/6/03 2:55 PM, "j fizz" <iin10ded at> wrote:

> just saw a SWEEEET black 94s4 with r-28's [18's?], big dtm tips and it
> looked a wee bit low.. on old bayshore in burlingame pulling down a side
> street at about 130.
> if so your car is dope.
> -jim
> 88 90 un urq
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