grumpy 4kq

Bill Phelps wphelps at
Wed Jan 8 08:43:15 EST 2003

I guess I meant to say the the car runs fine after a minute, but as you
indicated, it takes a while to make any heat.

I've checked the NTC sensor (aka coolant temp sensor) and it's fine
(according to the Bentley specs). I might change it out just in case.


-----Original Message-----
From: Jpinkowish at [mailto:Jpinkowish at]
Sent: Tuesday, January 07, 2003 11:26 PM
To: wphelps at
Subject: Re: grumpy 4kq

In a message dated 1/6/03 11:05:25 PM EST, quattro-request at

> The
>  car starts fine even when stone cold, so I'm guessing its not the
> thermo-time switch. However, sometimes after starting the idle will
> fluctuate slightly and the car will just about die when any
> accelerator is  applied. It does not stall, however. Seems to only
> last for the first 30  seconds to 1 minute or so then the car runs
> fine. If I wait for the car to  fully warm up all is well...

Good morning Mr. Phelps,
I couldn't resist the Mission Impossible greeting.  Sorry.
Your 4kq must be the only one on the planet that warms up in 1 minute from
stone cold.  Mine takes 3-4 just to generate heat.  I'll admit that my
core needs replacing.

Your car starts OK because the cold start valve works fine. Check the
coolant temp sensor that feeds the ECU.  It's the bottom one on the
rad hose neck coming out of the cyl head.  That thing should read about
2.5-2.8K ohms at 60degF; higher when colder.  At operating temp, the
resistance will drop to 300-500 ohms.  Your sensor may have failed at a low
resistance, or it starts out OK and th eresistance immediately drops too
fast.  This means the ECU thinks your engine is warm and leans out the fool
mixcha.  If you have a switchable resistor box, pull the connector from the
sensor and feed 3-5k ohms into the connector.  You should be able to fully
rev the engine.

This sensor is available at,  etc.  Even at your local store

the Bosch replacement is under $30.

Let the list know how you make out.

As always, if this suggestion doesn't work, I will disavow any knowledge of
sending it.

Jan Pinkowish
'85 4ksq
Bristol, CT

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