Stinky engine

James Bell doublem at
Fri Jan 10 16:37:15 EST 2003


Sounds to me like you have an issue with your
purge canisters mounted in the outer fenders.
The fumes can wind their way through the fire
wall, or poorly sealed doors, or past the separation
seal between heater air plenum and engine compartment.
Engines are stinky things. There are about 8-12 grommets
alone in the firewall.

J.B. in ID.

----- Original Message -----
From: "George Foster" <gfoster at>
To: <quattro at>
Sent: Friday, January 10, 2003 2:57 PM
Subject: (no subject)

> I have a BAD crankcase-like odor coming into the cabin from the vents,
> only while the car is stopped. The dealer said I have no exhaust leaks and
> said it's oil leaking from the valve cover. After replacing the (warped)
> valve cover, gasket and cleaning the engine of old oil the odor is back
> seemingly worse than ever. Not wanting to open the windows or sunroof in
> the dead of winter I'm now driving a stinkmobile.
> After seaching the archives, I have only found a few comments on 20VTQ
> breather hose issues. The odor in the engine compartment does seem to come
> from the back of the engine but I have not found anything obviously wrong
> such as leaking oil, hoses off /cracked, etc.
> Any experience with this problem or suggestions will be greatly
> since the dealer is no help and my health may be at stake here! Thanks in
> advance.

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