Q Club in TX?

Patrick Martin mardkins at msn.com
Sun Jan 12 00:06:35 EST 2003

> The quattro club never bothered to have events even relatively close to
> Texas. All texas members had to drive at least 800 miles to go to an
> The Quattro club director for the area Rick Schwalenberg got tired of
> everyone else up north have fun. There are a few organizations in Texas,
> although not specific to Audi that do events. One is Precision Auto Sports
> (Rick Schwalengerg), North Texas Audi Group (NTAG) and I believe there is
> small club in Austin...
> Scott

I hate to break it to you but the Quattro club does not run events.  Local
people run the events. If you want an event the only way to make it happen
is for someone to take the initiative and make an event happen.  The
National club will help you but they will not run an event as they rely on
chapters to do that.

I am the local chapter president for the Northwest.  We have anywhere from
6-9 track days a year.  This is all done by local members taking the
responsabilty of making an event happen.

Pat Martin
86 4kcsq turbo, 2 1/2 cat back, H&R-Bilstein, MC and loving it.  Drilled and
stopping it. Koenig Cobra 16x7 with AVS Intermediates turning it,  K&N and
98 A6q Avant
87 5kt stick, improved beater

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