Junkyard curiosities

Ben Walker benwalker at direcway.com
Sun Jan 12 19:16:30 EST 2003

Yeah - and the headlight washer is 2 gallons vs the puney 1 gallon
windshield.  I wonder why the didn't just pull from one 3 gallon tank?  Both
washers on my 90 non-Q is heated.

1990 90 Non-Q (quiet again)

----- Original Message -----
From: "Dave Hord" <spokes at the-wire.com>
To: "Ti Kan" <ti at amb.org>
Cc: "Wallace White" <wallace at stanfordalumni.org>; "Bay Area Audi List"
<ba-group at audifans.com>; "Quattro List" <quattro at audifans.com>
Sent: Sunday, January 12, 2003 6:17 PM
Subject: Re: Junkyard curiosities

> > > Finally, the windshield washer bottle had two compartments: a main one
> > > plus a smaller one for concentrated fluid. Labelled as an Audi part.
> > > What's going on here?
> >
> > Don't know about that one.  Perhaps it's an optional feature (heavy duty
> > winter package?)
> Sounds like the winter package with headlight washers?  On the 90q with
> winter package one fills the windshield washer fluid in two resevoirs, one
> the windshield, one for the headlights.  Oddly enough, the one closer to
> headlights is for the windshield!
> -Dave

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