Green Diamond vs. Nokian

Matt Ammann mjammann at
Mon Jan 13 16:05:57 EST 2003

Hi All,

I managed to stuff my quattro into the ditch this
past week pulling into the Kirkwood access road.
(Kirkwood is a fantastic Lake Tahoe CA area ski area)
No harm done other than the complete wreckage to
my ego.  The front end loader being used as a snow
plow yanked me out within about 10 minutes.  I've
concluded that my mostly used Dunlop D60a2s will
not cut it for the rest of the ski season.

I am very interested in the Green Diamond "Icelander"
The scant info turned up on google seems positive, and
I like the fact they are recycled.  Has anyone
tried them yet?  If so, could you comment on there
applicability to use for a Lake Tahoe ski car.
conditions are ~120 miles of high speed run on either
dry or wet road, followed by ~50 miles in snow of all
depths, wetness, iciness etc.

I think the Nokian NRW would be good for this
application too.
Can anyone recommend a good California bay area
What is a good price for these tires in 195/65/15?


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