90qt update and  input needed

scott thomas scott at dreamtheater.zzn.com
Thu Jan 16 15:45:31 EST 2003

My .02 cents is to check the cam, crank, and distributor for their
alignment. Make sure they're all in phase. Next, check the fuel
injectors, just in case they're not in all the way. I'd continue
checking (and even removing, then reinstalling) the hoses on the
pressure side of the turbo.

Once you've got all that down, I'd check your bypass valve for proper
plumbing. My memory is not serving my right, so just verify that the
inlet and outlets are installed right. Maybe just block them both,
temporarily. I'm suspecting an air leak, but who really knows. Check
plugs for tightness, check spark plug wires.

HTH, good luck
---- Begin Original Message ----

From: ed armstrong <edshred2000 at yahoo.com>
Sent: Thu, 16 Jan 2003 12:16:33 -0800 (PST)
To: quattro at audifans.com
Subject: 90qt update and  input needed

Hi folks,

Its been a while since I last posted. I haven't had
the time to really focus on my project the way I
wanted due to work, family, the holidays etc. but I
think I'm 90% there.

Anyway, before Thanksgiving I was asking for help on
my 90q turbo (w/ stock CIS-3 fuel, computer and
ignition) project because of poor idle, bad computer
codes and such. I've got that pretty well sorted out.
I think I had a bad O2 sensor and was messing things
up by walking the mixture all over the place. I put in
a new 02 sensor, sealed the exhaust with a new cat,
fixed a few other minor air leaks I found and the car
runs much better now. It cold starts a little hard but
once warm it settles down to a nice idle and pulls
20-22 inches of vacuum. I think I've got the mixture
right, DFP current hovers between +/- 5 ma. Timing is
15 BTDC. All the computer codes and CIS components
check out fine (according to the fuse in fuel pump
relay tests).

Everything is much better, almost great....except it
really makes no boost. Maybe only 1-2 psi. Worse, at
around 5K rpm the power just shuts down immediately
like the fuel is cut or timing retarded. All the turbo
plumbing like MM hose, intercooler appear to be sound
and tight. I do have a blow-off valve plumbed between
the intercooler and CIS meter head boot but I think it
is working correctly. The wastegate diaphram looked OK
when I was building the adjustable wastegate a year of
so ago.

Any ideas on this one ? Basically at low rpms it
drives like a regular car, but at mid-to high there is
little or no boost and then a complete loss of power
at 5K rpms.

Another niggling problem is the carbon canister
solenoid. Its always clicking about 3 times a second.
I don't remember this behavior when the NG was in
there. One end of the solenoid is plumbed to the
carbon canister the other to the turbo inlet. Any
ideas ?

Help appreciated !


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