
duandcc_forums at duandcc_forums at
Fri Jan 17 09:26:06 EST 2003

The PO of my CGT removed the OEM shocks (likely they wore out) and put on aftermarket ones that are about 1.5" too short. The aftermarket shocks still work fine, but the tunk won't open all the way. So, I have obtained the correct shocks, but have a snall problem. The OEM shocks attach to "nipples" at both ends (the look like the "nipple" on top of the throttle body that the cruise control actuator rod attaches to), but the aftermarket ones he installed just use a through bolt. So he removed the nipples. So I need new nipples. Anybody know the part number for my nipples? Anybody got any spare nipples or parting out a CGT and willing to sell ne their nipples?


1987 Coupe GT Special Build

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