HOWTO: Outer CV Boot Joint 80 90 Quattro

Bhatti, Mohammed Mohammed.Bhatti at
Fri Jan 17 09:32:13 EST 2003


I appreciate the correction.  I guess I need to go get my alignment checked.
I couldn't figure out how I'd get leverage trying to pry the ball joint out.
Why?  Because I had removed the strut bolts.  If I had left them in place I
believe I could have a used a pry bar successfuly to do it the way you had
described.  Next maybe.

Thanks much.

88 80q

-----Original Message-----
From: John Larson
To: Bhatti, Mohammed; quattro at
Sent: 1/14/2003 4:21 PM
Subject: Re: HOWTO: Outer CV Boot Joint 80 90 Quattro

Nice write-up, but you've done it in a bit harder way than you need to.
Removing the steering knuckle (lower strut assembly) from the upper
you will need an alignment.

Try this.

Loosen the axle nut, using the appropriate socket (17mm allen socket,
drive only!, or a 24 mm socket.
Loosen the lug bolts.
Jack up and properly support the appropriate corner of the car (NEVER on
cinder block!  EVER!).
Remove the wheel.
Remove the ball joint pinch bolt at the bottom of the strut, and pry the
arm down, freeing the ball joint from the strut. (17mm wrench size, or
Remove the axle bolt, then use a large hammer and a thick drift to
push the joint out of the wheel hub.
Cut away the old boot.
Using the all thread bolt, thread it all the way into the joint, a
which will extract the joint from the axle.
Remove the washers from the axle, and the remnants of the boot and
Clean everything well with thinner, carb spray, whatever.  Inspect the
joint for signs of wear or too much play.
If you're going to use the small clamp, slip it onto the shaft, followed
the boot.  Slipping a medium screwdriver between the boot and the axle
rotating it around the shaft while pushing on the boot will easily pry
boot onto the shaft.
Install the plastic collar and the cupped washer onto the shaft. The
end of the collar goes on first, and the cup side of the washer goes
it.  I only change the spring clip if the old one is obviously bad.
Using the measured amount of grease that comes in the Lobro boot kit
one you want to use!), pack the joint full.  (Tip: insert the open end
the container into the center of the joint and squeeze it dry, holding
finger over the open threaded hole of the joint.)
Straighten the inner race  to be parallel with the axis of the joint,
put it
up against the axle, and whack it on with a lead, brass, or plastic
until it seats (you might have to make a couple of tries if it's not
Install the boot over the CLEAN outer lip of the joint, put the large
over the boot, and crimp the it tight with a pair of end cutters or the
proper tool.  Do the same for the small end clamp, making sure the boot
in the proper location on the shaft.
Insert the CV joint into the hub (might have to wiggle it a bit) and
thread the bolt into it to hold it in place.
Pry the A arm down and insert the ball joint into the hole in the bottom
the strut.  Install and tighten the pinch bolt.
Install the wheel and the lug bolts.
Lower the car and tighten the lug bolts to the proper torque.
Torque the axle bolt to the proper torque.
Drive it away.

For a Type 44, it's easier to remove the entire axle from the car,
the snap ring is in the joint itself rather than on the axle, and it
to be pried apart with snap ring pliers (while beating on the joint with
BFH!).  This, BTW, can be a true test of your ability to withstand
frustration!  In any case, doing it this way means you don't have to
the caliper or the lower strut housing, and you won't need an alignment.

HTH, John

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