5000TQw diff locks

Louis A. Mulieri mulieri at physiology.med.uvm.edu
Sun Jan 19 07:13:42 EST 2003

	I have the same behavior on my '88 5KCSTQ. The rear diff lock
light comes on when I go up a particular hill (I routinely run with my
ABS switched off). I have noticed in addition that it does not happen if
I take the same hill in 4th gear instead of 5th gear. So I wonder if it's
related to diminished engine vacuum under slight lugging conditions in
5th gear. But I suppose it may also be a signal problem since engine RPMs
are lower in 5th. Glad to hear ideas on mechanism and opinions on whether
it's risky to just ignore this behavior (as I have for a few months).

Hinesburg, VT

> Message: 11
> From: "john robertson" <roberj at telus.net>
> To: <quattro at audifans.com>
> Subject: 5000TQw diff locks
> Date: Sat, 18 Jan 2003 11:20:27 -0800
> This is a multi-part message in MIME format.
> --
> [ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
> Wondering if anyone has experience with their rear diff locking by itself, =
> with the switch turned off? Only happens when begin to go up a hill; ie: fr=
> ont of car somewhat higher than the rear. Have checked the switch, mechanic=
> ally nothing is loose. It will operate properly when switch is activated. A=
> t this point I have the diff system disabled to protect it, but now is the =
> season to have it operable. Any help, point me in right direction? thanks v=
> ery much
> John Robertson
> 1986 5000 TQ Avant

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