864kcsq differential operation?

tronalex tronalex at lek.net
Sun Jan 19 12:23:03 EST 2003

Good Day All!
I have recently had my 86 4kcsq parked at my brother's house for
access to his garage to do some work on the car. I had asked him to
occasionally start it and let it run a little due to the cold
weather. I think that maybe my young nephew was in the car "playing",
due to the fact that the rear diff lock was turned on when I went
over to start it yesterday. I turned the switch to the off position,
but the light is still illuminated. My question is, (since I have
never had occasion to lock the rear diff) , will it unlock and the
light shut off when I reach the 12-15 mph threshold that I have heard
mentioned, or should it disengage immediately when I switch it off,
and I now need to get under it and manually do this?
Thanks In Advance,
The Other Tyson

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