Stupid quick question, and a slightly harder one about 5000tq...

John Forbes john at
Mon Jan 20 19:14:00 EST 2003

Yeah I checked that a few times already. I have my timing belt cover off
right now because I'm painting it so its nice and easy to check timing and
turn the motor by the cam gear to set TDC. It was just slightly off (~10
degress) yesterday so I readjusted it. It almost has to be a wiring problem
because sometimes after jiggling the wires all arround for a few minutes the
car will fire for a second or two, but then dies out again. I thought maybe
the ... forgot what its called, but the circle with the window in it for the
hall effect was loose like maybe the key broke or somtehing, but after
checking it is on there nice and good. I noticed my distributor shaft has a
bit of play, more then I like but still within useable parameters.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Bernard Littau" <bernardl at>
To: <John at>; "DeWitt Harrison" <Six-Rs at>
Cc: "Quattro List" <quattro at>
Sent: Monday, January 20, 2003 4:01 PM
Subject: RE: Stupid quick question, and a slightly harder one about

> Hi Cody,
> > I'm still on no start today, and its really getting troublesome.
> > Multimeter reads ok ohm resistance between ECU and hall sensor,
> > and LED test light shows the proper flickering on both hal side
> > and ECU side, but the car still says its not reciveing hall
> > signal. I'm thinking about running my own wiring to replace the
> > old ones as they have hardened up pretty bad and are very
> > fragile. I don't have volume 2 of the Bentley which covers
> > wireing diagrams, so can anybody tell me if theres anything that
> > splits off from the 3 hall sendor wires between it and the ECU
> > that I need to know about?
> >
> Would you please check the alignment of the Hall Sender?  OK, maybe you
> done this, but at least let us know in that case.
> Find TDC on #1 (on the compression stroke), and then line up the
> finger to the little notch on the distributor housing.
> Since the car ran, we know we are not off far, so you should be able to
> the motor to close to the correct TDC by using the notch and finger.  Than
> make sure you are TDC and check, and perhaps correct, the distributor
> alignment.
> At this point, alignment is not your most likely issue, but it sure would
> nice to rule this out so we aren't chasing something else thinking this is
> ok.
> Best,
> Bernard Littau
> Woodinville, WA
> '88 5ktq

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