Heater Core Problems on 1989 90

Dave Hord spokes at the-wire.com
Tue Jan 21 10:28:25 EST 2003

Howz your thermostat?

I'd check the following:

1) Temp gauge sender.  Fix it so that you can see how hot the coolant is
getting. In the meantime, stick a thermometer in the coolant resevoir to get a
good idea...

2) Thermostat - If the engine isn't getting up to operating temperature, your
heat is going to SUCK.  BTDT this week, yesterday in fact. Now I'm TOASTY!

3) The heater core can fail in three ways (that I can think of): a) valve
fails..therefore you move it to heat and get NOTHING. b) core ruptures/leaks,
fogging up your window and making a STINK. c) clogged. Never heard of it

Replacing the heater core is a PIA!!  You have to pull the whole dash, then the
whole heater blower/AC/heatercore that's behind the firewall.  Not fun.

89 90q  300km+ Rally Conversion...
Roll cage shots available at:

Quoting rlliss at rockwellcollins.com:

> Help, it is cold out here in the midwest and my Heater Core looks like it
> has bitten the dust.  Has anyone performed a corectamy lately.  How much
> work is involved?  Is there an alternative until Spring?  I have tried the
> Prestone Flush with no results.  I have also noted that my temp sensor in
> the dash is no longer reading temp since I flushed it - can the flush have
> affected the sensor?  Nearly Frostbitten...
> Ray Liss
> '89 90Q

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