4kq drivetrain lube change

Joel A. Frahm frahm at jilau1.Colorado.EDU
Tue Jan 21 10:45:45 EST 2003

I use a 17mm coupling nut to remove the plugs.  If I did it a lot I would
get a proper 17mm hex socket, but I've used the coupling nut twice in two
years and it's worked fine.

For filling, I use a gear oil pump designed for outboard motors, you can
get them at Wal-Mart or the like.  They have a fitting to screw into an
outboard, but you can remove that or just put the fitting into the

Make sure the oil is warm, it will flow more easily.  Put it on the
heating duct in your house for a while or something like that.

I'll also third the notion of removing the fill plugs first, many have
removed the drain plug only to find the fill plug hopelessly stuck.

Joel Frahm <frahm at jila.colorado.edu>
University of Colorado, JILA

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