Steve Jensen's Wife (Julie)

Michael Riebs / AudiV8 AudiV8 at
Wed Jan 22 12:52:04 EST 2003

Julie will be included on my prayer list!

Meanwhile, go to a Christian bookstore (or perhaps just a very large B&N or the likes), and look for a book entitled: "How to live and not die" - or something very close to that title. Can't remember the Author.

My Pastor routinely recommends that book for people with cancer. In his experience, it seems the general rule is, that "those who read the book tend to pull through". NO supernatural powers attributed to a book - but the truths revealed may have some profound impact...

Michael L. Riebs,
1St Choice Granite, Inc.

3511 Alpine Avenue NW
Walker, MI 49544
United States of America
Bus: +1 (616) 784-7300
Fax: +1 (616) 784-2808
E-mail: michael at

Having trouble? Try Jesus !

----- Original Message -----
From: "William Magliocco" <magliocc at>
To: <quattro at>
Sent: Tuesday, January 21, 2003 10:21 PM
Subject: Steve Jensen's Wife (Julie)

> Many of you don't know me.  I used to lurk this list
> before I got tired of its politics, or lack thereof.
> As a result, I simply put my subscription into "no
> mail" mode.  That was around 16 months ago.
> I flipped the switch back on tonight to ask that if
> you are so inclined, please pray for the wife of one
> of the list regulars, Steve Jensen.
> His wife Julie has been battling breast cancer for a
> few months, but things have taken a very nasty turn
> for the worse.  She went to the hospital yesterday for
> a low-grade fever.  She now lies in a coma.
> I got to know Steve via the list.  When I moved to
> Atlanta 2.5 years ago, by some dumb luck, I wound up
> moving into an apartment about 2 miles from his home.
> We have become close friends, and he is closer to me
> today than my own blood brother.  His 7 year old
> daughter has become fast friends with my 6 year old
> daughter.
> Steve is the kind of guy that would help you out and
> forget his own affairs to do it at times...I know that
> some of you on this list have directly benefited from
> his generosity.
> So if you have a minute or two tonight or
> tomorrow...please pray that Julie pulls out of this.
> And while you're at it, grab YOUR spouse and kids,
> give them a hug and tell them you love them.  Julie
> can't do that tonight, no matter how much she wants
> to.
> Enough with the flak about Torsens, window regulators,
> busted door handles and cracked exhaust manifolds for
> a moment.  One of our friends needs our help
> tonight...
> bill magliocco
> atlanta ga
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