Heater Core Problems on 1989 90
rlliss at rockwellcollins.com
rlliss at rockwellcollins.com
Thu Jan 23 12:34:32 EST 2003
I am attaching a thread from Yesterday. Dave and Huw provided me alot of
good insight. Your problems sound all too familiar. ONe of the problems I
am having was the spitting of coolant out of the overflow resevoir. I
have been experiencing the same problems after I have flushed and filled my
radiator (2xs) recently. I changed my resevoir cap and the spitting
The heat problem is what I am still trying to solve. I have done the
Thermostat, but am focusing on the heater valve. You may want to follow my
message threads (sub above) from yesterday and today. Lots of good
advise. Also, Huw has a coolant flow diagram on his website.
Good Luck, it was minus -14 here in Cedar Rapids Iowa this am. My feet are
still frozen from the trip in!
1989 90Q
----- Forwarded by Raymond L Liss/CedarRapids/RockwellCollins on 01/23/2003
12:26 PM -----
Huw Powell
<human747 at attbi.c To: Dave Hord <spokes at the-wire.com>
om> cc: rlliss at rockwellcollins.com,
quattro at audifans.com
01/21/2003 12:58 Subject: Re: Heater Core Problems on 1989 90
Please respond to
> > Help, it is cold out here in the midwest and my Heater Core looks like
> > has bitten the dust. Has anyone performed a corectamy lately. How
> > work is involved? Is there an alternative until Spring? I have tried
> > Prestone Flush with no results. I have also noted that my temp sensor
> > the dash is no longer reading temp since I flushed it - can the flush
> > affected the sensor? Nearly Frostbitten...
I think Dave is right, you probably have some other issue. Comments
added below.
> Howz your thermostat?
> I'd check the following:
> 1) Temp gauge sender. Fix it so that you can see how hot the coolant is
> getting. In the meantime, stick a thermometer in the coolant resevoir to
get a
> good idea...
> 2) Thermostat - If the engine isn't getting up to operating temperature,
> heat is going to SUCK. BTDT this week, yesterday in fact. Now I'm
Again, a $10-15 part, not too hard to replace, should really be done
every year or two.
> 3) The heater core can fail in three ways (that I can think of): a) valve
> fails..therefore you move it to heat and get NOTHING. b) core
> fogging up your window and making a STINK. c) clogged. Never heard of it
> though...
Again, right on the money. The type 89 (your car) does not have a
heater valve for the fluid, there is a flap that routes the incoming air
through or around the core.
To *really* flush your heater core, undo the hoses to it at the firewall
(be prepared to replace them) and blast nice clean hose water through it
both ways for a bit.
> Replacing the heater core is a PIA!! You have to pull the whole dash,
then the
> whole heater blower/AC/heatercore that's behind the firewall. Not fun.
While I broadly agree here, and would have agreed even more in the past
(from dismantling a parts car), I recently had the opportunity to snag a
black interior out of a wreck. It took me about two hours to remove the
whole thing, from parcel shelf to dash.
Next door a 90Q that suffered engine damage to a neglected leaking
heater core is undergoing restoration by one the techs (who now owns
It took him about an hour, working comfortable slowly, to get from
"dashboard out" to "heater core out".
I agree it is a daunting job, but it is not really as bad as it seems.
One hard part, though - when you have the HVAC plenum loose, you must
separate the left half, which houses the core, from the right half,
which houses the fan and AC evaporator.
There are six clips to pry off. The two on the fron are visible, as are
the one on top and one on the bottom.
The two on the rear cannot be seen, but mirror the front ones, and can
probably be slid up and down (for upper one and lower one) to remove
them blind. Otherwise you end up having to force the two boxes apart
and some plastic will probably break.
Huw Powell
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