Is Hakka 2 available in the States?

R Mangas porter_dog at
Fri Jan 24 07:50:32 EST 2003

FWIW, HotBot's advanced search will let you restrict your results to North

>From: "Virtual Bob" <hyoung at>
>To: "Audi q-list" <quattro at>
>Subject: Re: Is Hakka 2 available in the States?
>Date: Thu, 23 Jan 2003 15:22:58 -0600 (CST)
>Excellent! I'll go calling around. I searched Google and most hits are
>mostly European/Russia/Eurasia and so few from North America. I thought of
>Gislaved NordFrost 3 but that was even less mentioned on the web (U.S.
>posts/sites), and only handful of places advertises NordFrost 2 (and no
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