A dream come true

Jenny Curtis jenny at physics.umn.edu
Fri Jan 24 11:00:41 EST 2003

Hi Q-listers:

It's been ages since I posted, but I didn't want to jinx this by
announcing on the list too soon.

I bought Mike Benno's 1984 Ur-Quattro.  I'm very excited as this is been
my dream car for the last five years.  I still can't believe it's really
mine, but this morning when I opened my garage door, there it was.  So I
guess it wasn't a dream afterall.

Graham and I took it for a spin around 694 and down river road/St.
Anthony Parkway (one of my secret speedy roads that's curvy and free of
traffic/cops.) after I picked up the car last night.  The car is just so
fun to drive, but I really have to get used to a completely different
clutch feel and the fact that that I need to brake much earlier and
harder than I ever do in the Princess.  That would be because I usually
find myself going fast much more quickly with the turbo.

I have also had turbo fever for along time now, and it's just so awesome
to drive a turbo and a quattro at the same time.

Another thing is totally awesome is that it has euro headlights.  On the
very dark parts of river road, I could actually see without turning on
my brights.

I'm going to take the week-end to drive the car (if the roads are clear)
and think about the first projects I want to do.  I will definitely want
to track this car at driving schools, but still keep it
usable/comfortable for everyday driving.

On another topic, as I'm watching the snow fall and wimpering thinking
about going out in the cold, cold outdoors, does anyone know about the
status of ice racing for the Glacial Lakes Q Club?  We have to get some
benefit out of this bone-chilling weather.

Jenny Allan
86 4kqcs: The Eurotrash Princess
84 Ur-Q (wooohoooo!)

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