Free freeze

Thompson Smith carreragt at
Fri Jan 24 16:56:27 EST 2003

After the fourth day of jump starting my type44 winter driver, the battery
finally (and Audi) had enough. TOO DAMN COLD, TOO MANY JUMP START AMPS. So,
on the heals of my mini group purchase of the sport quattro S1 R/C bodies
that just came in from Japan yesterday, I had to fire up my "reserve" urq
that has been nestled away in the garage for the last four months. Perfect
timing - deliver the S1 bodies to be shipped out in an urq!!! My type44
needed a break. Der urq fired right up, repacked the two S1 bodies that
needed to be shipped out, and my sunglasses, cell phone, etc all and headed
out for another frozen quattro day in Vermont.

I too, wondered which Audi should I drive to Jay Peak for a free ticket when
I heard this? Hmmm, freeze my face, arse and everything else off for a free
ski ticket? Naaa. I think that I stay warm, wimp out and hang out by my
fireplace with the girls instead. -17 below zero this morning was enough.
Maybe I'll start building my new sport quattro downstairs in the hobby shop.

Great idea for free tickets though. Yes, Kirkwood and every other ski resort
should do the same thing. Jay Peak also has Jeep days as well.

John, are you doing the SCCA RallyCross in Feb 15th at the Essex fairgrounds
in your 90q? Let me know, I might go out there and watch, do it or just get
a free freeze :-)

'03 sport quattro S1
'93 S4
'88 type44 froooooozenarse
'84 urq still runs great!
'76 Carrera 3.0 in hibernation...

> > For those you who ski and ride. Jay Peak Resort in Jay, Vermont is
> > having an Audi Owners Appreciation Day this Sat. 1/25. Drive an Audi to
> > Jay Peak and recieve a free lift ticket.
> >
> > drive Audi =3D free stuff... gotta love it.
> >
> > I'll be there, John
> > '89 90Q
> > '88 80Q
> > '87 Scirocco 16v

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