farewall to the 91 200q20v avant

ben swann benswann at comcast.net
Sat Jan 25 23:32:38 EST 2003

I began my journey home to Annapolis with my new(to me) '91 200 20V
avant from NYC this AM.  As Dan excorted me out of the airport area
onto 95S, I began to compare the '91 200 20V avant to my '87 5000 TQ
avant.  That is when I knew something wasn't quite right about this car.

Was it the lack of Stebro growl despite the obvious rush of power?  No
it can't be.  I was beginning to realize the nice pleasant note of the
dual exhausts might be even better to my wifes ears.

Was it that the car was pulling a little to the right?  After stopping
and adjusting the air pressure I realized nothing wrong here, but these
225/60 Z Yok AVS are really sensitive to air pressure, but they make
the car handle like a sports car.

Was I having a hard time adjusting to the funky AIWA stereo with MP3/CD
in it?  Nah - I'll get used to these buttons in no time and the Bass
just needs a boost.

What was it then?

I looked in my rear view mirror, and then over to the right of the
windshield.  That's when it hit me.

This car doesn't have any Q-list stickers on it!

I pulled over at the next service stop.  Whipped out the envelope from
Ann & Bob Myers.  I placed one in the left rear hatch window, and one
in the right of the windshield.

With the profound effects of the added virtual horsepower, the car
accelerated vigorously back out onto 95S.  I then knew positively - it
is going to be perfect!

Thanks again Dan - the car definatly has a great new home, and I am not
so lost without my '87 wagon now.

Ben - proud new owner of the silver '91 200 20V turbo quattro avant

----- Original Message -----
From: Dan Simoes <dans at audifans.com>
Date: Saturday, January 25, 2003 3:45 pm
Subject: Re: farewall to the 91 200q20v avant

> Ben is on his way home, probably already home.
> Gotta tell you Ben (and I did), it was 7am and I was waiting for
> Sears
> to open to swap over wheels (too cold for me to do it outside!)
> and the
> sun was rising over the parking lot in all kinds of pink and
> purple.  As
> I looked at the car glowing in the light, I thought  of what I'd say.
> "Sorry Ben, here's two bills for the ticket and your trouble, but
> I'm
> keeping it".
> I know the car will have a good home and I can bum rides when I'm
> in the
> area :)
> ben swann wrote:
> >And hello from me, who just subscribed to the 200q20v list.  I am
> >excited about picking up the car from Dan tommorrow and driving
> back to
> >Annapolis.
> >
> >Thanks in advance Dan for giving me a good deal on the car.  I'm
> >anticipating the loss of my '87 5000 turbo quattro avant won't be so
> >painful now and this car which has as much power stock(almost) as
> mine>had with all of its mods.
> >
> >I look forward to getting (and giving) help on this list.
> >
> >Cheers!
> >
> >Ben
> >
> >[Date: Fri, 24 Jan 2003 14:46:09 -0500
> >From: Dan Simoes <dans at audifans.com>
> >To: "200q20v at audifans.com" <200q20v at audifans.com>,
> >quattro at audifans.com
> >Subject: farewall to the 91 200q20v avant
> >
> >I'm still trying to come to terms with this...
> >
> >I've agreed to sell my Avant to lister Ben Swann who flies in
> tomorrow>to pick it up from me.
> ><snip>
> >
> >| Dan |]
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >_______________________________________________
> >200q20v mailing list
> >200q20v at audifans.com
> >http://www.audifans.com/mailman/listinfo/200q20v
> >
> >

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