Hydraulic pump repair-questions

Dave C conner at cfm.Ohio-State.edu
Wed Jan 29 23:56:53 EST 2003

Tony writes...
"Anyone care to comment whether its possible to repair a T44 hydraulic pump
that's leaking between the front and back halves?  The leak is NOT from the
cross headed caps.  My Mom's 100 Avant is slowly oozing green gold and its
making a mess underneath.  This is first for me, none of my other pumps
have needed work on them."

Hi Tony,
Easily repaired with O-rings in the seal kit.
Two bolts hold the pump halves together.  Make a mark at the seam so you
can get the two halves reassembled correctly.  There are about 8 O-rings
between the halves... pretty easy.  Be sure to refill the pump with oil
after reassembly, and before starting the car.  Bentley includes other
details like bleeding the system.

If the mating surfaces are distorted the new O-rings may not help, but that
would be unusual.  The back half of the pump is relatively delicate
aluminum, front half is steel, so don't clamp the aluminum part too tight
in a vice, etc.
Dave C..

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