Mobil DTE-13M

Mike Arman armanmik at
Wed Jul 2 09:23:33 EDT 2003

>>And recommendations from
>>Shell T 32 6792
>>....$30.00 for 5 gallons
>>Mobil DTE-13M
>>  Ford tractor's Hydraulic Oil.
>>Could someone please give me a final recommendation ?
>>I got this from a lister.
>>If you use anything but the correct fluid or mix anything with it, in about
>>months you may also need in addition to a rebuilt pump, a new/rebuilt rack,
>>a few hoses, and, a brake booster.
>Ah, that sounds like Tom Chudinzski('EPIFORM').

And it also sounds like me . . .

Problem is this - the "gurus" on this list understand that yes, you can
substitute DTM-13M under a set of very specific circumstances, i.e., you're
changing the rack next month anyway, and/or it isn't very hot or very cold
where you are, etc.

But when the "word" gets out to less seasoned listers that DTM-13M (or
whatever) is the inexpensive and correct substitute for Green Gold, people
will run DTM-13 instead, and MOST of them will probably get away with it .
. . and then one day, the local FLAPS is out of DTM-13M, and the parts
monkey says "Well this is about the same", and in fact it is not, and is
even FURTHER from the Pentosin specification than the DTM.

Now we are *two* steps removed from what should be in the car, and things
are going to get spooky. Suppose the "equivalent replacement" does attack
the rack seals or the booster diaphragm? And the car is involved in an
accident becuase the brakes were not working correctly? And some sharp
lawyer who knows something about Audi discovers you were running the wrong
hydraulic fluid and makes a case that the accident is therefore YOUR fault
. . . negligence . . . $$$$$$$$$$ . . . . and worse, if someone is hurt or
killed as a result of this . . .

Phil Payne had the right answer - "Fix the leaks!". Sure, it is a PITA to
do so, but really, that is the only way to keep from going broke buying
Pentosin. While I have flirted with the idea of a cheaper substitute, I
realize that Audi didn't specify Pentosin because it is expensive, but

This is brakes and steering, guys - not good places to cheap out!

>Fact is- I, alone with a number of other listers, are happily using
>DTE-13M.  I've been doing it for 2 years or so in my 200q20v-
>Cobram's been using it in a fleet of 4-5 cars for many years.
>Beware that DTE-13M has a lower hot temp limit and a higher cold pump
>limit compared to synthetic pentosin, which is far superior(it has a
>cold pump temp that's WELL below zero degrees F etc.)  DTE-13M is NOT
>equivalent, and if you live where it gets more than 10 degrees below
>freezing or over 90 degrees F, you're probably best off sticking with
>synthetic pentosin.

I rest my case . . .

Best Regards,

Mike Arman

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