UrQ rough running stumble.

Suffolk GameServer LAN suffolk.associates at verizon.net
Fri Jul 4 01:22:57 EDT 2003

I think it was those Anderson Brothers or someone who told of a story where
the fuel dist? comes from the factory with a screen in place.
Some Ur-Q's have never had the screen removed.
Apparently, the Dealership is supposed to remove it during dealer "prep".
Maybe you have a car with the screen still in place. Gunked up.
Can someone verify where he'd check for the factory screen?
HTH -Scott in BOSTON

It's a long shot, but I had something similar with a different car/pump.
Gunk accumulated in the tube between the pump and the accumulator.
Apparently it could flow through the pump, but collected outside the fitting
of the accumulator.
I replaced the tube and nothing else, and the car came back to normal..

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