July 11,12,13 driving school

Calvin Krug ckrug at tctc.com
Fri Jul 4 11:22:15 EDT 2003

We still have a few openings for some new people at our track event
at Putnam Park, Indiana for July 11-13.  This is a good opportunity
to get your car out in a controlled environment.  Below is some info
on the event.
  Those interested in starting their driving career or
just making themselves quicker need apply!  Our student line-up is not as
full as I had hoped for, so if you know of anybody interested don't
forget all of
these great things we have to offer .

Catered Lunch
Cold Drinks All Day
Helmets For Rent
Video Camera Mounts For Use
Photography Services available from Jeff Schleutker
Unleaded Fuel Service Trackside

Great thanks to Terry Heath and his group at Euro Motorworks for coming
onboard as a sponsor for our event.  Terry and his guys will be
handling Tech 101

We just got http://www.prosportdriversgroup.com up and running, so
you can find more info there too.

I hope to see some new faces and cars there. We need to show that
Audis are quick too.

Calvin Krug
'87 4000, '89 100
  'Work to become, not to acquire.' -- Confucius

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