Rear Caliper piston rust

james accordino ssgacc at
Sat Jul 5 08:36:22 EDT 2003

Many shady "rebuilders" do this sh*t.  It's little
more "rebuilt" than if I sprayed it with some paint.
BTW, that seal you mention is readily available if you
go 1mm larger or smaller in depth.  The ID and OD are
common, but Audi spec'd 7mm depth.  Non stock,
propriety item.  6 and 8mm depths in stock.  I chose
6mm.  Also, I'm  finally going to replace the rear
calipers I rebuilt 82.5k miles ago.  They now have
267k miles on them w/ 1 rebuild.  There are some
questions as to how the Buna-N o-rings I used to seal
the P-brake area held up to the brake fluid.
Hopefully next week I'll have some answers.

Jim Accordino

--- Kneale Brownson <knotnook at> wrote:
> At 01:03 PM 07/04/2003 -0400, denis wrote:
> >C'est un message de format MIME en plusieurs
> parties.
> >--
> >[ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
> >I have send my rear galipper to a shop.
> >All they did is to put a new piston, wash the
> galipper and change the two
> >big seals.
> >BUT didnt do anything about the area of the manaul
> brake. It seems that
> >they could not remove the clips inside and change
> the little seal.
> >!!!!!!   what a shop man...
> >
> >I think i ll do myself... not spend 150$ can for
> that job _)(*&?%$#        :-O
> >
> >Ðenis
> There's a circlip at the bottom of the cylinder than
> I've extracted with
> longish needle-nose pliers that have the tips ground
> small enough to fit
> into the holes in the circlip.  That releases a
> rather healthy spring under
> a flat washer, so you need to be careful.  The
> remaining threaded post
> comes out with some vigorous prying with a pair of
> screwdrivers.  That gets
> you to the chamber with the parking brake actuator
> that has to be removed
> to allow extraction of the arm that the parking
> brake cable attaches
> to.  Nobody has reported a source for the seal that
> goes in the hole the
> cable arm assembly sits in, but, reportedly, a
> replacement seal wouldn't
> keep the system from corroding in the future anyway.

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