Removing my ABS

Jim Green jeg1976 at
Fri Jul 11 19:49:01 EDT 2003

Ok, I have time to burn, plus I need to make room for
an Accusump, so out comes the ABS.  Alright you guys
without ABS, righ now on my prop. valve, the far left
port has a bleed nipple on it, and the far right goes
to the rear ABS channel.  I was looking in the bently
and I thought I saw two rear channels for cars without
the ABS, coming out the far right and left ports on
the Prop. valve.  Is this right?  I'm sure it will be
fine if I stay with just the one channel.

For the front, the two channels are split up in the
ABS unit, do you guys just have a T somewhere, or are
the both front's coming strait out of the MC?  If so
which ports?

Or am I way off and I need to get a different Prop.
valve, and hang the front off one side, and the rear
off the other?


Jim Green
'89 90tq 034EFI Stage II

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