Audi Humor

Alan Pritchard apritchard at
Mon Jul 14 09:48:59 EDT 2003

yep, i used to get "but is it an 80,90 or 100 coupe" to which "its a coupe
gt", "but is it a 80,90 or 100?", "how about you give me the

-----Original Message-----
From: George Selby [mailto:gselby4x4 at]
Sent: 11 July 2003 22:13
To: quattro at
Subject: Re: Audi Humor

At 05:04 PM 7/11/03, you wrote:
>How about - "You got an '84 CGT, huh? That's the one WITHOUT quattro,

How about - "83 Audi, what kind?"

- "coupe"

- "yeah, but what kind"

- "coupe"

-"yes, sir, but what kind of Audi"


-"sir, we need to know what kind of car you drive in order to look up your

-"I drive an Audi Coupe .  Punch in the year, and make, and when it gives
you the list, select Coupe."

-"oh, sir, I see, (LOL) an Audi Coupe ."

Fortunately I generally have to go through this with a given counter person
one time.

George Selby
83 Audi Coupe GT
89 Audi 80
gselby4x4 at

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