starter R&R

Ron Wainwright ron_01056 at
Mon Jul 14 20:13:28 EDT 2003


  This is my first post to this list & it's a doosy.
 Went to replace a failing starter on a newly
purchased 90 V8 and let me tell you what a pain that
was. I thought I'd write it down for someone else.
1. take the cover off, & undo the air filter box, 10mm
wrench, & air vents
2. take apart pass side cap 8mm & 10mm wrench and take
3. manuver diff vent hose out of the way, it gets
vented to air and is attatched to the firewall.
4. use 10mm allen to loosen the top bolt on the
starter (which is directly ontop of the axle flange)
5. undo the lower allen bolt, it's a 12mm.
6. and of cours the main wire from the jump start post
to the starter is a 13mm.
 And of course undo the battery strap at the batterie.
 I'de like to thank Bruce at Audiconnection for the
info on the top bolt.

  All in all it wasn't that bad, after I was told
which top bolt it is (which took me about a hour to
figure out) the bolt's about 8 inches long.
 I would do this job again but I would have to think
about it for a little before hand.
 Hope this helps someone else
87 5ksq many mods
90 200tqa many mods
90 V8 Pearl 80k
90 V8 Red 120k Thats rite x2 I'm a gluton for punishment

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