Fwd: Idle problem 1.8Tq

ARPCAxPREZ at aol.com ARPCAxPREZ at aol.com
Tue Jul 15 12:30:22 EDT 2003

Can anyone help??
Date: Wed, 09 Jul 2003 13:32:12 -0400
From: ARPCAxPREZ at aol.com
To: quattro at audifans.com
Subject: Idle problem 1.8Tq

Hi All,
My '97 1.8Tq automatic trans., is losing it's idle upon coming to a stop. T=
he idle drops way down, most times reving back up at the last second or som=
etimes stalls the engine.  Once it comes back up it is fine. As some stated=
, for me to check/clean the idle stabilizing valve, although I don't have a=
 manual and do not know where it is located.  Does anyone know where this t=
hing is located/what it looks like?  Lastly, could this solve my problem or=
 is there something else I should be checking.
Thanks for the help,
Brad Blumfeldt
Pittsburgh PA

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