5KCSTQ Cold Start Thermo-Time Switch?

Ti Kan ti at amb.org
Tue Jul 15 13:23:44 EDT 2003

Louis A. Mulieri writes:
> 	My 88 5KCSTQ is showing cold start system problems (cranks 5-10
> sec before a few cyls fire, followed by slow and erratic speeding up to
> normal idle and normal running). Probst shows the cold start vlave to be
> controlled by a thermo-time switch having a 2-terminal connector.
> Audi Archives claim this switch is located in block above cyl 2. All I
> find is a single wire, slip-terminal sensor in the block at this location.
> Bentley doesn't seem to indicate where the switch is located. And the section
> on "Cold start valve power, checking" (page 25.100 for my CIS-E III system)
> doesn't seem to include possibility of cold start thermo-switch
> malfunction). Does my car not have a cold start thermo-switch or where do
> I find it?  Thanks for any help with this.

On the Audi type 44 turbo 5 cylinder cars, there is no thermo-time switch.
The cold start valve is activated by the ECU based on input from a
thermo sensor.

2003 A4 1.8T multitronic
2001 S4 biturbo 6-sp
1984 5000S turbo
1980 4000 2.0 5-sp
    ///  Ti Kan                Vorsprung durch Technik
   ///   AMB Laboratories, Sunnyvale, CA. USA
  ///    ti at amb.org
 //////  http://www.amb.org/ti/

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