Drag racing times

Rocket Science Racing rocketscienceracing at comcast.net
Wed Jul 16 08:19:01 EDT 2003

If the Silver Bullet still has a full interior and air conditioning, and
it's really in the 11's, that's damn impressive. It's a heavy car even
without all that stuff.

As the rest of the 4-banger AWD turbo crowd (Talon's, Eclipses) will tell
you at the drag's, after you get to 400+HP, the best and cheapest way to go
faster is to shed weight. If you are into it for the glory, it might be less
expensive to keep a used A4 as a daily driver, and strip the S4 or even an
A4 for drag racing. A stripped S4 making 400+ would probably get into the

If all you are doing is drag racing, you can save the fancy hoses ;-)


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