Drag racing times (long)

Alan Pritchard apritchard at seaeye.com
Wed Jul 16 16:56:13 EDT 2003

he he. understandable really, after all you have 'only' won dubwars (sic)
tee hee. the only fast cars i have ever been in can at best, only match your
time (evo VI and Lotus esprit v8). now if i remember the push in the seat
feel and put that into my 90q, i can really understand how you are feeling.
and anyway, on the road an s4tt is going to be quick, but when you come up
behind, what appears to be a tidied up 80, and it decides to disappear like
yours will. that will leave a lot of puzzled honda owners he he. heck, my
stockish 90q surprises a lot of rice rockets.......when theres bends
congrats again, and don't let it get you down.
so it was only a 4foot shark eh?
he he

-----Original Message-----
From: JShadzi at aol.com [mailto:JShadzi at aol.com]
Sent: 16 July 2003 15:34
To: ti at amb.org
Cc: ti at amb.org; t44tq at mindspring.com; bernardl at acumenassociates.com;
quattro at audifans.com
Subject: Re: Drag racing times (long)

Ti, no apology needed, jest splain'in where I'm coming from =)  Happy
drivin' everyone.


>Well, what can I say, sorry Javad.  My bad.  The thread about fast
>drag times had me posting about another really fast quattro I know
>about, and I didn't think enough that it might rub you wrong.  As far
>as I am concerned, your car, as well as those that are a second or
>two faster to the quarter all belong in that same stratospheric realm
>that most on this list could only dream about.
>2003 A4 1.8T multitronic
>2001 S4 biturbo 6-sp
>1984 5000S turbo
>1980 4000 2.0 5-sp
>    ///  Ti Kan                Vorsprung durch Technik
>   ///   AMB Laboratories, Sunnyvale, CA. USA
>  ///    ti at amb.org
> //////  http://www.amb.org/ti/
>JShadzi at aol.com writes:
>> Have you ever been to a party, or at work, and you just got back from a
>> really cool trip from Maui, and you're telling your co-worker or friend
about it -
>> "Ya, we went snorkeling, and I saw a shark, it was like 4' long, and it
>> like 10 feet from me, I was thrilled!"
>> Your Co-worker, before you can barely get your sentence out, begins -
>> how his friend in high school's uncle once went diving in the Great
>> Reef, and a 40', maybe bigger, Great While Shark savagely attacked him,
yet even
>> thigh deep in shark teeth his uncle was bravely able to scoop the shark's
>> eyes out of its cartilage scull with his divers knife, and escape the
saws of
>> iminent death."
>> Well, that's kinda how I feel when my 13.2 prompts stories of 11 and even
>> second cars ;)

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