Drag racing times - parts/work to modify

Jim Green jeg1976 at yahoo.com
Fri Jul 18 08:48:46 EDT 2003

--- Ti Kan <ti at amb.org> wrote:
> Roa, Greg writes:
>> Ok, since I will have a spare 4kq intake setup
>> soon, and am strongly considering doing a 034EFI
>> stage 2 conversion, (minus a new header) are there
>> any downsides to using the 4kq intake setup?
>> I'm just starting to get an idea of what I will
>> to accumulate to do this conversion, and since
>> everyone has done a different setup, there's not a
>> whole lot to go on yet.

Really?  I think it's just the opposite, they will all
work, obviously, you just have to pick the one you
like.  There is a California Digifant TB out there
that has a TPS already on it which would be great to
start with.  '91 VW Fox?  Or you can just hack it up
ang graft it on.  I may be doing this since I live
downtown and doging potholes with a 65 mm TB can be a
PITA sometimes.

> The 4Kq intake manifold has the throttle body on the
> back side, opening
> toward the rear of the engine (rather than the KH/MC
> style that opens
> towards the front).  This means that plumbing to the
> intercooler will be
> a little more awkward.

Initially, but once it's in, man it's nice.  I fought
the plumbing on Turbo manifolds for two years.
There's enough sh*t over on the pass side as it is.
It seemed like everytime I wanted to make a little
mod, I'd have to re-do the intake pipe because it was
in the way.  The ideal routing of it is right were the
turbo sits, which then makes it hard to get air into
the turbo.

I honestly feel like it is one of the best moves I
made on the car for the engine compartment.  The only
way the turbo IM simplifies things is with the stock
intercooler.  If you use any other IC, you're going to
have a cross-over pipe anyways to get back to a turbo


Jim Green
'89 90tq 034EFI Stage II

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