replaced 02 sensor - in defense of soldering

santoli9 at santoli9 at
Fri Jul 18 13:33:30 EDT 2003

I'm w/ Stephane on this one. A good solder joint is without a doubt better than a crimp using consumer-grade but-splices IMHO. I'd be interested in reading these independent test however, and knowing where VAG/Bosch/Porche have commented on this.

> From: "Livolsi, Stephane" <Stephane.Livolsi at>
> Date: 2003/07/18 Fri AM 11:29:09 EDT
> To: "Audi Quattro List" <quattro at>
> Subject: RE: replaced 02 sensor - in defense of soldering
> John, I appreciate your comments, I really do.  However, just like
> everything else that we do (to our cars and otherwise) there are different
> trains of thought.
> I think that personal experience is my best guide in life.
> If I was going to do this 100% 'right', I would have forked over $280
> Canadian for the OEM Bosch sensor and just plugged it in.  Even crimping
> would not have been 'as good' as original.
> I don't claim to be an electrical engineer, but I do dabble in the
> electronic arts and am comfortable and confident that I can make a 'good'
> solder joint which most people cannot (or do not take the time to do.)  I
> believe that a 'good' , properly done solder joint is superior to crimping
> in most cases, this being one of them.  I'm talking about using the right
> temp of iron, the right solder and flux and using heat sinks to protect the
> components.  How many people would just gob some solder onto a wood burning
> iron and slap it onto the wires as soon as it 'sticks'?  I know, for a fact,
> that my solder connections will NOT be a weak point in that circuit, because
> I did it myself and I know that it is done right.  I don't always do things
> that well, but I don't relish the thought of having to remove the intake
> piping and air cleaner to do it again.
> Rip open virtually any dead electronic unit (vcr, amp, computer)  and you
> will see an awful lot of soldering, and not a heck of a lot of crimping.
> These are pretty sensitive components too.
> I respect your references to independent tests, but everyone has their own
> agenda when they do these independent tests.
> YMMV, just my opinion and you know what they say about opinions.....
> Stephane
> > ----------
> > From: 	John Larson[SMTP:j.d.larson at]
> > Sent: 	July 18, 2003 8:01 AM
> > To: 	Livolsi, Stephane; quattro at
> > Subject: 	Re: replaced 02 sensor - drivability improves - oh YEAH!
> >
> > You wrote  "Anyhoo.... I did the cut and paste, spliced my old connector
> > onto the new
> > sensor - soldered and heat shrink tubed. "....SNIP...
> >
> > Regardless of your choice of O2 sensors, soldering, especially on
> > sensitive
> > circuits like this, is flat out a bad idea.  VAG thinks so, Porsche thinks
> > so, Bosch thinks so, independent magazines have tested it, and we've
> > discussed it several times here on the list.  Soldering produces a
> > degraded
> > connection, hampers current flow, produces a weak point in the wiring, and
> > often results on unwanted corrosion.  The wires come with a crimp
> > connector
> > (at least the better ones do) and shrink tubing.  That's how you're
> > supposed
> > to make the connections.  John
> >
> >
> >

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