Is this over my head? Opinions Please

james accordino ssgacc at
Sat Jul 19 08:19:55 EDT 2003

I crashed my 89 200q probably the same way.  Too fast
around a corner on ice.  The tires gave up the grip
and the right front took the hit right on the wheel.
I don't know about that shop you used, but the lower
control arm is usually an automatic replacement in a
suspension hit.  They are made to bend and absorb a
ton of energy in doing so.  Judging by the arms at the
wreckers, these are very often NOT replaced after
accidents.  At less than $100. complete with ball
joint and inner bushings, it's really foolish not to
replace them.

Jim Accordino

--- pasquale pilato <pasqualep99 at> wrote:
> I did some pretty good damage to my car, broke a
> wheel, bent the subframe, and smashed everything
> inbetween.  Since that was my only car, and I needed
> it back soon, I had "the best place in town" fix it.
> Make a long story short one day on my way to dinner
> the ball joint came out and left me stranded.  Moral
> of the story is don't crash your ride.  If it is too
> late for that piece of free advise, what I am now
> doing is buying an other car ('88 prelude from
> female,
> 1 owner, every maint. record since day 1) and take
> my
> time, order the parts from the list, and do the work
> myself.
> I would have messed something up more than likely,
> but
> I would have learned something from it, and next
> time
> I would be that much better prepared.  I need to do
> a
> master cylinder, rotors, side mirror, XM radio, &
> detail inside and out.  With a second ride, and
> time,
> the audi will be back way before winter, and I can
> see
> if I can take that same corner in 3" of snow and
> packed ice even faster!
> Pasquale
> Paralyzed  1990 100q
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