was:Damn nice garage and a 'vette now: lancia

cobram at juno.com cobram at juno.com
Mon Jul 21 20:17:40 EDT 2003

"luke" <maytagasm at sympatico.ca> writes:

> >>Impressed by the Lancia with the 12 cylinder Testarossa
> >>engine pulled out to change steering rack (and we complain about
> the type
> >>44 rack!)  An ocean and a world away.
> >If it was the Thema 8.32, that was the V8 from the 328... I've
> never heard
> >of a TR-engined Lancia.
> >Still pretty impressive, though not actually reliable. Dealers
> dubbed 'em
> >Lancia Trauma.
> i beleive the lancia stratos prototype used a ferrari 12 banger...
> and production used a ferrari 8 banger? or some combination of the
> two engines.

It was definitly a TR engine.  There is NO way to confuse that beast with
the V8, NO way.  The Ferrari V8 equpped Lancias were not all that rare,
at least one or two seemed to pop up in the even the smallest of towns.
The V8 looked like you had to pull the engine to change the distriburtor
caps....tight fit too.


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